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Sculptra Service Skinandtonic | Skin and Tonic | Pace, Florida, US


If you desire a rejuvenating skin treatment that promotes healthier skin from within, Sculptra is for you. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) injection that supports natural skin regeneration by stimulating collagen production. Over time, our cell turnover slows, resulting in skin texture changes and signs of aging. Sculptra treats deep folds and creases by restoring lost volume and rebuilding skin proteins. Sculptra results are revealed gradually over time as protein structures are rebuilt using PLLA. You will notice significant improvements in suppleness and overall complexion, leading to a more youthful appearance.


  • Face: Sculptra improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles and restores volume to the temples and cheeks. 
  • Décolleté: Sculptra improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolleté.
  • Booty Lift: Sculptra can lift and round the area of the buttocks without other invasive surgical options.
  • Cellulite: Sculptra can be injected into the legs, thighs, flanks, and arms to minimize the appearance of cellulite. 
  • Skin Tightening: Sculptra can improve the texture and tone of lax skin. 

Sculptra results will generally last between two to three years. You’ll begin to notice improvements three to four months after your injections. 

Ready to learn more? Schedule an appointment with Skin & Tonic to see if Sculptra is the right for you!

Sculptra is a prescription injectable collagen stimulator created with poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Sculptra results are not immediate, but over three to five months, you will see considerable improvements in tone and texture as protein structures are restored to a healthier state.

Sculptra injections are used in areas of concern to promote collagen regeneration, improve skin texture, target signs of aging, restore lost volume, and improve the appearance of cellulite. You’ll notice Sculptra results develop over time.

You will see significant improvements after three to four months post-injection. Sculptra is a fantastic option for those who desire healthier skin from within and are treating advanced signs of aging. You can pair these potent injectables with other dermal fillers for more immediate results.

Results may last between two to three years. Maintenance injections are recommended for lasting results.

The number of Sculptra treatments varies for each person. We recommend two to three treatments spaced 3 to 6 months apart for best results.

You may experience some bruising following your Sculptra treatment. Skin & Tonic recommends scheduling a Sculptra appointment two weeks before a special occasion or event.

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